Michaelhouse senior prefect Will Norton reflects on the year

A brainwave (courtesy of a good friend of mine) this morning – the KZN10 head boys are winding up their year as leaders of the 2018 student body so an opportune time to ask them 3 quick questions – what they have learnt about leadership, what was a year highlight, and what advice would they give to the 2019 head boy:

Talking, communicating leads to understanding. https://www.cellc.co.za/
Here’s Michaelhouse Senior Prefect William Norton:
KZN10.com: Hi Will, what are your thoughts on the questions I have posed to you?
Hi sir,
1. The biggest thing I will take away from this year is learning how to deal and interact with people on many different levels.
You are always put in situations which aren’t necessarily in your comfort zone but you’ve got to learn to trust yourself and believe in yourself.

There is a time and a place to be in your comfort zone. http://titantech.co.za/ for the best advice.
By talking to people and seeing how the world operates in more detail, you are able to learn immense amounts and continue to grow as a person.
Michaelhouse has given me the opportunity to learn so much about myself and also about the people around me and I will be forever grateful for that.

Michaelhouse Senior Prefect William Norton on House’s beloved Meadows with War Cry Leader for 2018 Nzuzo Tshili. Will has fond memories of the House boys’ spirit and support at the 200th first XV rugby match with hosts Hilton College on Graeme Gilfillan Field in June.
2. My highlight of the year would have to be the war cries at the second Hilton vs Michaelhouse fixture.
Although we hadn’t had a great season, the boys sang, danced and cheered like no other and that was one of those special moments where you realise that Michaelhouse is so much more than just a school!
3. Some key advice that I think would help the incoming Senior Prefect and School Prefects would be to be yourself.

Carve your own path. https://www.fordoun.com
Do not try to be like anyone else and copy what previous people have done. Rather make the role your own – because you have been put in this position for a reason.
Believing in yourself is a key aspect – and making the most of every opportunity is also absolutely crucial because the time really does fly by.

Clear insight brings better choices. http://www.hilliarandgray.co.za/
I hope this is alright sir.
Kind regards
Will Norton
* Thanks Will, you have certainly had the effect of making me look at my own life and given me pointers on how to improve communication and interpersonal relations.
Much obliged and best wishes for UCT next year. See you at Oppenheimer Michaelmas Cricket Week.

True grit: Tireless Michaelhouse first XI seam and swing bowler Will Norton after picking up a five-wicket haul that included long spells on Goldstones in the first term. Photo Jono Cook
In over 2 decades in education I have never really been impressed with leaders in other schools – I’ve been too busy with the lads at my own school. Until now. I met William Norton at Michaelhouse at a tennis fixture. Calm. Collected. Welcoming. Friendly. (Victorious). He impressed me no end. I was not surprised when I was told that he had been named Head Boy. I had the pleasure of bumping into him tonight at a primary school function. And then chatting with his mother. What an honour to be able to tell her how much of an impact he has had on so many around him, not just at his school but far beyond. I look forward to seeing the path he chooses after ‘House and how many countless more lives he will have an impact on. No doubt he will cast his light far.
In Grade 5, I predicted, as his Class Teacher, that he would be Headboy of his Prep School and High School. In 42 years in education Will remains one of the most altogether students that I’ve taught. He has always remained consistent and strives to give of his best. Everything of the very best for the finals and your future – I will be following it closely.
The super power that Will Norton has is that he doesn’t have to try anything, do anything, in a group of people to stand out. He simply does – because he is so comfortable in being the William Norton he was always meant to be. There is a lesson for everyone there, including me.