If you are interested in advertising on please contact Jono Cook at
Advertising Rates
A) KZN10.COM website homepage
1) Banner ad top of page R1200 per month
2) Header ad R800 per month
3) Sidebar ads (4 slots only on home page) R450 per month
4) Banner ad bottom of page R600 per month
B) An individual school's homepage
(e.g Maritzburg College or Hilton; there is a choice of 10 schools)
1) Banner ad top of page R1000 per month
2) Header ad R600 per month
3) Sidebar ads (4 slots only) R250 per month
4) Banner ad bottom of page R400 per month
C) An individual sport's homepage
(e.g rugby or hockey; there is a choice of 6 sports)
1) Banner ad top of page R1000 per month
2) Header ad R600 per month
3) Sidebar ads (4 slots only) R250 per month
4) Banner ad bottom of page R400 per month
D) Specific sport of a specific school ... R100 per story
e.g every Glenwood (the school), rugby (the sport) story has the advertisment in each Glenwood rugby story during the agreed month(s).
* A "story" can be, for example, a Glenwood rugby match report or feature article etc on a player or coach.
* For A, B and C above, payment must be received in advance by, at latest, the 25th day of the preceding month or the advert will be immediately withdrawn.
* For D: To be paid monthly, within 5 business days of date of invoice (sent to advertiser on last day of each agreed month).
Please note: If the payment criteria for A, B, C and D are not followed to the letter, the advert will be immediately withdrawn
Weekly rates available on request. Discounts for bulk bookings, multiple page bookings and multiple combinations available on request.
Advertising Specs
Adverts must be supplied in high resolution jpeg or pdf format. For pdf, all fonts must be converted.
Your advert will be linked to either your website (home or other page) or facebook page (or any other social media link). Please supply this link in full.
Banner ads: 322mm across x 52mm high
Header ads: 161mm across x 65mm high
Sidebar ads: 102mm across x 78mm high
Story ads: 161mm across x 65mm high
If you do not have ready-artwork to supply, we will happily make up an advert for you, at a cost of R350. Adverts supplied in MSWord, Excel or Powerpoint will be reset at a charge of R200.